Eternal Passion

379.00 AED997.00 AED

The Eternal Passion bouquet is expertly crafted with double wrapping, featuring a combination of black and white wrapping that adds a touch of contrast and visual appeal. The red ribbon elegantly ties the bouquet together, providing a striking contrast against the vibrant red roses. It is an ideal gift for anniversaries, Valentine’s Day or any other romantic occasion this bouquet is a true testament to the beauty and power of love.

The Eternal Passion bouquet is expertly crafted with double wrapping, featuring a combination of black and white wrapping that adds a touch of contrast and visual appeal. The red ribbon elegantly ties the bouquet together, providing a striking contrast against the vibrant red roses. It is an ideal gift for anniversaries, Valentine’s Day or any other romantic occasion this bouquet is a true testament to the beauty and power of love.


Standard, Large, Deluxe


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