Pure Passion

897.00 AED

surprise your loved ones with this extraordinary Pure Passion bouquet of multicolored roses, The roses are expertly arranged to showcase their natural beauty and fragrance. The stunning arrangement features a variety of vibrant roses, carefully handpicked and arranged to create a breathtaking display, It’s the perfect way to show your affection and appreciation. With its generous size, this bouquet is guaranteed to bring joy and gratitude to anyone who receives it.

surprise your loved ones with this extraordinary Pure Passion bouquet of multicolored roses, The roses are expertly arranged to showcase their natural beauty and fragrance. The stunning arrangement features a variety of vibrant roses, carefully handpicked and arranged to create a breathtaking display, It’s the perfect way to show your affection and appreciation. With its generous size, this bouquet is guaranteed to bring joy and gratitude to anyone who receives it.


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